What is Notepad? 9 things you can use it for

You've probably seen Notepad on your Windows computer or device. Did you wonder about what it is and what it does? This is a very old app that has been present in Windows operating systems for decades. Although it keeps mostly the same appearance in all Windows versions, lately, in Windows 10, it has received more attention from Microsoft. In this article, we're going to show you what Notepad is and how to use it. If you want to learn about it, read on:

What is Notepad? What is Notepad used for?

Notepad is a basic text editor that's built into Windows. It is excellent for writing relatively short text documents that you want to save as plain text. However, that's not all you can do with it. If you have not used Notepad much, or ever, you may be surprised by how easy it is to work with.

Notepad looks and works mostly the same in Windows 10 and older versions of Microsoft's operating systems such as Windows 7. The main differences are related to how you open the application in different operating systems, and you can learn more about that in this tutorial: 11 ways to start Notepad in Windows (all versions). When you open Notepad, you get to see this no-frills screen: 

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